In 2012 in Yokohama, Japan, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (hereafter, JICA) organized a workshop to educate the participants on disaster prevention. City officials and residents of the City of Iloilo in the Philippines were invited to attend the workshop where Plus Arts was one of the presenters. “Iza! Kaeru Caravan!” interested the Iloilo delegates, and upon their return to their home city, they wished to organize “Iza! Kaeru Caravan!” in Iloilo. In 2013, the JICA, the City of Yokohama, and CITYNET Yokohama which is an international NPO, assisted the City of Iloilo in organizing a Philippine version of “Iza! Kaeru Caravan!”. For the first year, the organizers followed a Japanese version for the most part.
For 2014, its second year, the organizers held a workshop prior to the Caravan itself, tailoring parts of the program to address different typesof natural disasters specific to the area.
Cagayan de Oro, a town in Northern Mindanao, suffered great damage from the Typhoon Yolanda in 2013. In November, 2014, enlistingcooperation from the Capitol University, the town and the Arts and Culture Department of the Japan Foundation in Manila offered the“ MOVE PHILIPPINES” on the University campus. The“ MOVE PHILIPPINES” was an entirely new and uniquely Philippine educational program against natural disasters. The program was developed by Ms.Ruttikorn, a Thai game designer, and instructors and students of the Capitol University, with an assistance and supervision given by Plus Arts. A symbol character of the program was created based the Tarsier, the world’s smallestmonkey. PULS63, a Philippine design studio, helped develop and brand this character.
Philippine disaster preparedness exercises.
Using stretchers made of Banig(traditional carft). They carry the doll of the symbol character of "MOVE PHILIPPINES".
The program learning how to use daily necessaries when a flood happened.
The disaster drill of walking the way which water is overflowing with flood. The glasses they are wearing is worked not to see footwear on purpose.
Philippine's Shuffle game learning about the flood.